First Look: Hot Wheels '72 Ford Ranchero Super Treasure Hunt & basic version...

Whenever you visit this blog, you must know you are entering the Lamley universe.  And when you are in the Lamley universe, you know that something JDM-related, if not right in front of you, is lurking ready to pounce.  We love Japanese cars.

In the Hot Wheels world, we are in Batch K.  Oh, poor batch K.  You are a decent batch, but what batch can follow one that debuted two new JDM castings (Toyotii 2000GT and Supra), made one of those debut models a Super TH, and threw in a black R34 just for the heck of it?  None, really.  And even if you have the '87 Toyota in your cases.

So moving back to the Lamley universe, poor K had to be the batch to follow one of our favorite batches.  And on the Super TH front, a nice looking Ford Ranchero can't even come close to a Toyota 2000GT in any deco.

So to be fair to the Ranchero, we won't compare it to the Toyota.  And we won't mention how much it looks at first glance like the Riviera Super.  We will take this model at face value and enjoy it for what it is...


Yes, it is nice.  Ford's answer to the El Camino has the good looks of the Gran Torino's grill going for it, but the body doesn't back up the face.  But it is nice.  The purple works, as do the wheels, so that makes it nice.  The Super sports a metal base, the basic a plastic base, which is nice.  The Super strangely sports small rear wheels, while the reg doesn't, but the Super sits nice and low, so it has that going for it, which is nice.

Ultimately we are glad we have this model, and it further emphasizes Hot Wheels' commitment to making good-looking Supers.  Which is nice.

(Find the Ranchero and the rest of Batch K at Wheel Collectors or on ebay...)

Hot Wheels '72 Ford Ranchero (2013 Super Treasure Hunt and basic):

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