Batch E is out
Of course others have leaked, but let's stick to the five that have been released:
Chevy Opala SS
Sandblaster (Ford Raptor)
Chevy Camaro Special Edition
'71 Ford Mustang Mach 1
'07 Mustang
Let's break it down:
- All American carmakers
- One Brazilian Chevy
- Two Chevys
- Three Fords
- Two Mustangs
And if we add the three we know are coming:
- All American carmakers
- One Hot Wheels fantasy model
- Four Chevys
- Three Fords
Let's see what is missing:
- Supercars
- Mopar
- European carmakers
We will never complain that there are more Chevys and Fords than other carmakers in the Super TH line. We are even cool with the two Mustangs, considering the anniversary this year. But this is a bit out of whack. Of course there are seven more Supers to be unveiled, and surely we will see a Mopar, and recent years suggest a JDM, but we hope we see a lot more variety.
One thing we cannot argue? All five are nice-looking models. Of the five, the '71 Mustang gets the nod as best, but that might change when the Gasser and Chevelle SS hit the pegs.
So halfway in we will give the line a nice solid C. An A for design, a D for selection. But we are only at the mid-term. There is plenty of time to get the grade up. Your grade?
Lastly, what models do you think might show up as Supers? Throw out a prediction or two.
Ours? We will stick to our specialty, JDM. We know nothing, but we would not be surprised to see the Datsun Wagon emerge as a Super this year. Or the Hakosuka Skyline as part of the Then & Now. What is your prediction?
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