Lamley News: 2013 Hot Wheels Boulevard can be found in the US atTuesday Morning and Shopko...

When little birdies talk these days, we like to listen.  Last month a little birdie told us that he found the HW Boulevard Datsun 510 Wagon and Hakosuka Skyline at TJ Maxx in Los Angeles, and what followed was the great TJ Maxx/Marshall's JDM purge of 2013.  We raided a few around us, and when we reported it we know that many of you did the same in your area.  That was fun.

Time to do it again.

A little birdie has spoken again, and we are happy to report that those elusive 2013 Hot Wheels Boulevards are now being found at Tuesday Morning.  From what we have seen, it is 2013 Batch P, which includes the Ford Bronco, Jeep Wagoneer, Porsche 993, and Corvette C6R.  And at $1.99 each, cheaper than TJ Maxx.

We are aware that this batch appeared in midwest and eastern TJ Maxx stores already, while the west coast got Batch A.  So who knows?  Maybe other batches will be found at other Tuesday Morning stores.  It is definitely worth looking.

And here is the great thing:  You don't have to go store to store to see what they have.  Tuesday Morning allows you to do it from your phone.  Strangely, not on the web, but by phone.  Here is what to do:

  • Call the TM product locator hotline at 1 800 901 0881
  • It will ask for a SKU number, type in 1358108
  • It will ask for a zip code.  Provide yours.
  • It will give you the closest Tuesday Morning store and the quantity in stock.
  • Press "2" to get the same info at other TM stores nearby.
It is that easy.  Of course it won't tell what models are there, but you can be sure that they have Boulevards if they give you a quantity.  We used the hotline tonight and found that most stores around us had between 8 and 16.

So make the call, head out, and let us know what you find.  It will be interesting to see if it is all the same batch...

Now some of you might be saying, "Yo, Lamley dudes, I hit 17 TJ Maxx stores looking for the Datsun with no luck.  That darn batch P was all I could find."

Well, never fear generic Lamley reader.  Check Shopko.  A third birdie told us that he found the Datsun and Skyline there.  We decided to check our nearby Shopko, and while we didn't find any JDM goodness, we did see remnants of 2013 Boulevard Batch A:

So there is a chance a Datsun or two might still be hanging at a Shopko near you.  Once again, let us know what you find.  You might even luck out and find more in one of their aisle displays:


At the time this is posting today, I hit a different Shopko, and I was a bit more successful:

They are there, now go find them...

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