First Look: Matchbox 60th Anniversary All-Terrain Crane, Ground Grinder, and Blaze Blitzer...

Yesterday was Memorial Day here in the US, and after posting the Matchbox Ambassador Update, I closed the laptop and headed to the Spiral Jetty with my daughters.  We were up to our knees all day in the Salt Lake enjoying one of my favorite pieces of art, and arrived home late Monday.

So as has been the case before, we have postponed our Matchbox Monday post to Tuesday.  But that does not mean the regular Matchbox feature still can't be supported by MVE Collectibles.  It can.  So as usual, we ask you to check out MVE Collectibles and see the plethora of Matchbox and other brands for sale (including the three we are featuring today).

Last week we featured these three castings together as new basic models, and Matchbox up and released the 60th Anniversary models right at the same time.  Neato.  We also mentioned last week that the type of vehicles these three represent is not one of Lamley's fortes.  Nothing has changed since then.

We can offer our opinion, and move on the photos.  So once again, the Crane doesn't do it for us, but we will say this livery and color scheme is a vast improvement over the basic version.  We can also say that other two are improvements over the basic versions, but not as much, because we already liked the looks of the basic versions.

There.  Our opinion has been put forth.


Matchbox All-Terrain Crane, Ground Grinder, and Blaze Blitzer (2013 60th Anniversary):

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