The Leftovers: This week's finds, variations, and models that didn't make the cut...

The theme for the week in the Hot Wheels world was Zamac.  Batch G hit Walmarts hard this week, and the three Zamac exclusives in this batch have proven much more popular that the last batch of three.

And driving that popularity is the Zamac R34 Skyline.  I love seeing this, especially since it is accompanying two very nice looking Chevrolets.  Nonetheless, the Skylines have been snatched up quickly, including by us Lamley dudes.  Here is our week of finds:

Yes, you are looking at 16 Zamac Skylines.  That is a lot.  We probably left another 20 for other collectors, but we have good reason for picking these up.  We are hoping to give a few of these away to overseas collectors who don't have access to the Walmart exclusives.  And as much as US collectors are growing on Japanese cars, it really is not cool to see our friends overseas not have access to this model.  So we are planning to give one or two away every time our Facebook page passes the hundred mark.  That means 2200, 2300, 2400, etc.  Every time we hit one of those numbers, we throw up a post and draw a winner.  If that person lives in the US, we redraw.  We want to give these to those that have no access.  Keep checking back on our Facebook Page to see when we draw.  It might be soon, considering we are 16 Likes away from 2200...

You might see another model of interest.  Yes, we got lucky and found a Super Bone Shaker as well.  That was found here:

A semi-fresh BOD.  I was told by an employee that collectors had already been through it, and that was apparent by the rows of cars behind the bin, and the lack of regular hunts after a quick perusal.  But I like to find variations, to a little hunting I did.  And sure enough, at the very bottom, was one missed Super Bone Shaker:

And a close-up:

That makes me 4 for 7 on Super Treasure Hunts found.  I never found the El Camino, Falcon, or Super Snake.  But maybe I get lucky later.

There was one other vari in the bunch, but I left it:

Not too interested in the Dieselboy.

So no other variation or error finds.  I am sure there were some I passed right by, but that is how it goes...

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