March 11 Matchbox Ambassador Update: Brand New VW Karmann Ghia Type 34 and other upcoming models...

Greetings folks.

I am happy to see that most of you survived Dump Dozer week.  It seemed a few of you were on the edge of the cliff ready to jump.  It was no secret among the Matchbox design staff that the new Dump Dozer would not go over too well with collectors, and of course it didn't.  But we will reiterate here that it is very much a kid-oriented model.

Well today comes the complete opposite, a collector-oriented model.  We are pleased to present the brand new Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Type 34 (and as always, these photos are presented with permission from Mattel):

I hope collectors are as happy with this one as I am.   We will be sure to give this model a full profile when we officially show it on the Lamley Blog, and we have Lee Hedges, one of the foremost experts on this car, waiting in the wings to give us all we want to know on the actual Type 34.  We can't wait.

In the meantime, I hope this somewhat satisfies collector's hunger for realistic models.  And stay tuned, as here are more to come that should make a lot of people happy.

Moving on with three more sneaks that should keep many collectors smiling for the week.

We start with a return to the mainline of the Isuzu Amigo.  The tooling has been slightly modified, and we will see who has the keen eyes to make out the differences.  The casting looks clean and refreshed, and the design works nicely:

And we will finish off this week's sneaks with two Jeeps.  2013 will see another version of the Jeep Willys, as well as a return to the lineup of the Jeep 4x4.  This version of the Willys will appear in the mainline as well as the Desert 5-pack.  And like the Amigo, the 4x4 has been modified as well.  Gone is the antenna, and look for changes on the front grill guard.  (And doesn't that logo on the rear of the Willys look an awful lot like the new Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt logo?  As you hit the MB pegs in a couple of months be prepared for a few confused HW collectors debating whether they should horde the Jeep or not...)

Lastly, I am excited to pass along this opportunity to own an amazing print from Matchbox's own design guru, Michael Heralda.  Jim Gallegos, who puts on the official Matchbox Collectors Gathering every July in Albuquerque, New Mexico, asked me to pass this along:

If you don’t know who Michael Heralda is, he has been designing die cast vehicle graphics since 1997 for both the Hot Wheels and Matchbox brands and this year he will celebrate 26 years with Mattel, Inc.


As a way to help support Children’s Charities, Michael Heralda has created four “individual”custom canvas prints of a 1959 Cadillac Convertible (showcasing the most desirable aspect of the body - the fins and tail lights!). Each vehicle print has a different body color.


Michael Heralda created only four (4) of these custom prints and only print #3 will be raffled off at the upcoming 2013 Albuquerque, New Mexico Matchbox Collector Gathering in July!!! KEEP IN MIND that the winning Ticket holder need not be present to accept the canvas print or to donate money for a chance to own this prized print.  Arrangements will be made to ship the custom print to the home of the winning ticket holder wherever he or she resides even if they live in Australia, Hungary, Chile, Holland, Germany, Japan, Hawaii, France, New Zealand, or Area 51 in Nevada!

Each of the four canvas prints will be offered at separate events throughout the year. The first two (#1 & #2) were previously auctioned off and are proudly displayed in the homes of the two lucky winning bidders! You still have an opportunity to acquire Print #3 in July!


To make the bidding easy, you can use our PayPal account (Note Rachel's Courtyard).  Utilizing PayPal you can easily and quickly donate your $5.00, or more, for the charity event taking place in Albuquerque, New Mexico in July of this year. With receipt of your donation you will receive an email with your specific ticket number(s) confirming your participation - bringing you one step closer to obtaining the winning raffle ticket!

Spread the word amongst your collector friends and members and ask them to participate.  AND feel free to purchase more than one ticket - for yourself or for your collector friends – - your odds of winning will definitely increase the more you give.

So come on diecast collectors!!! - where else could you possibly get a chance to win “one-of-four” custom framed canvas print for only $5.00? NOWHERE ELSE BUT HERE!!!!!

Another way to think of it is this way – you will be supporting a great

ALL OF THE MONEY DONATED (with the exception of monies used towards shipping
charges of the canvas print to the winning ticket holder) will be turned over to RACHEL’S COURTYARD at the conclusion of the raffle.  For more information on Rachel's Courtyard, please visit their website:

Michael has donated his time and talent as well as the cost of producing these four beautiful custom canvas prints to this noteworthy cause so why not join him in this charitable endeavor and contribute a little of your diecast budget to make this an even greater event!  REMEMBER: You can reside anywhere to win this item! SOMEONE WILL WIN AND IT COULD BE YOU!

For more information on participating in this charity Raffle please e-mail:

“Thank you Die Cast Collectors for participating in this unique charity raffle! I hope this Custom Print finds its way into your home!”

- Michael Heralda

Thanks Jim.

Matchbox collectors, there is still more to come.  We have another new model to show next week, and there is plenty more to get collectors excited as we move deeper into the 2013 line.

Until then...

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