Model of the Day: 2010 Camaro SS Police Treasure Hunt...

Still in Phoenix, still getting into the hotel room late, and the typing is coming a little slowly tonight.  But who needs to write a lot when you have a model that looks like this one.

The Regular Treasure Hunts for 2013 have not been the most exciting group.  There does not seem to be an exact pattern to what they choose for the regulars, but most have been non-licensed models.  And then there is the Camaro Police.  Who knows why the Hot Wheels team decided to modify the 2010 Camaro SS casting and make a police car, but it was a great decision.  It might be a little more "Hot Pursuit" than realistic, but it is fantastic, and it hasn't looked better than this 2013 version.

I don't know what other Regular Treasure Hunts we will see throughout the year, but whatever is coming, it will have a hard time topping this one.  There is not a Camaro casting I totally collect (outside of the '70 Road Race), but I have a feeling I will collecting all the Camaro Police cars...

Hot Wheels 2010 Camaro SS Police (2013 Treasure Hunts):

And the others:

2011 Police 5-pack

2012 Basic:

2012 Kmart

2013 Treasure Hunt

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