2012 Lamley Awards: What is your choice for Best & Worst Regular and Super Treasure Hunt in 2012?

Once again, many thanks to everyone who submitted their choices for Best and Worst New Model for 2012. We have literally had hundreds of submissions, and we will release the results soon.  If you haven't voted, we are still accepting your choices by way of our Facebook Page or by email at lamleygroup@gmail.com.
It is now time to vote on our selections for Best and Worst Treasure Hunt in 2012. This time, please keep it to ONE CHOICE EACH for:
  • Best Super Treasure Hunt
  • Best Regular Treasure Hunt
  • Worst Super Treasure Hunt
  • Worst Regular Treasure Hunt
Remember, JUST ONE choice for each Treasure Hunt category, for a total of 4 submissions.  And feel free to leave a comment as to why you made that choice.

There was some confusion on what I mean by Regular Treasure Hunt.  Maybe I should call it the Basic Treasure Hunt, but those are the green stripe Hunts, not the basic versions of the Super Hunts. 

And if you need a reminder, just follow the link below to the South Texas Hot Wheels listings:


As always, you have three ways to leave your votes:
As is the case, the more categories you participate in, the better your chances of winning a few of the great giveaways.  So keep them coming...

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