June 10 Matchbox Ambassador Update: Brand new BMW 1M and other sneaks...

Greetings collectors...

As much as I love my Ambassador duties, there are a handful of things that take precedent.  One, there are three women living in my home.  I am married to one, and the other two are my daughters.  They call, I answer.  Second, I have a thing called a job.  This job thing asked me to spend this week in hot and steamy Dallas attending meetings, so if you are one of our early bird readers, as you read this I am on a plane, trying to read something, preparing to try and smoothly introduce my western blood to something called humidity.  Joy.  Lastly, Boards of Canada released their first album in eight years, and it comes out tomorrow.  My fully embraced geekdom is on high alert, hoping Dallas will give me a minute to two to listen.

So this week two of those duties (one important, one surely trivial) have asked for my time.  The girls might enjoy my absence.  Thankfully, this week's sneaks don't need much chatting about.  These models, at least in my optimistic eyes, look fantastic.

Some have voiced their amusement on the positive spin I dish on the models Mattel gives me to sneak, wondering if I really like the models I am showing.  I will say this: I like some more than others, and of course that is how it is with all of us.

But these three?  Let me say that I genuinely like all three of these.  A lot.  And none more than the most excellent MB893 BMW 1M.  I, like many, have been really looking forward to this one.  The actual BMW 1-Series may have a short life span, but I agree with Jalopnik that this little beauty may be a future classic.  Thank goodness we get a Matchbox version that will be just a bit cheaper than the real thing.  It comes in what Matchbox is calling "intense metallic orange", and has full front and rear detailing.  The tail lights are slightly shortened due to the machine's inability to wrap around, but at least it doesn't look cut off like previous models.  She's a beauty, and I can't wait to see it in person.

(As always, these and the other images are all shown with permission from Mattel.)

Like I said, we have three models this week that get the jtl thumbs up, Ambassador or not.  Next is the Police version of the Ford Explorer.  If you remember when we revealed the 2013 1-120 line, we mentioned that there would be a second Ford Explorer.  It is not an official recolor of the first version released early this year, because this second version occupies another number in the lineup.  The licensor requested it after a last-minute adjustment, and police collectors win because of it.  Here is the Explorer in its first police livery, and I think many of you will approve:

Clear windows, plus clear and I think realistic lights, simple black and white deco, and some good looking rims.  If I were not in my Ambassador role, I would say the Explorer got off to a bit of a slow start, but after seeing the upcoming 60th Anniversary issue and this police version, it has finally taken off.

Lastly, another Gift Pack exclusive.  The classic car theme of the gift pack models continues with the '71 Firebird Formula in orange, with the actual Firebird logo holding up the 60th logo.  Clever.

That is it for this week, but I think we did pretty well.  Next week we have another new model to show, as well as some more decos for 2013.  We will just keep chugging along.

See you then...

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