Have I ever mentioned that I love wagons? I have. Several times.
Have I ever mentioned that the name "Mooneyes" and the fabulous Mooneyes logo makes me really jealous? I probably haven't. But it does.
We are still working through several ideas for a Lamley Group logo, and every time another idea is presented, the Mooneyes logo comes to mind, and inevitably that logo idea goes in the trash. Eventually we will figure it out. (Your ideas are welcome.)
But for now let's just enjoy the Mooneyes logo, which makes yet another appearance on a Hot Wheels car. This time on a Chevelle Wagon with colors reversed from the first version. Combine the sharp matte black together with an aforementioned Lamley favorite, a wagon, and you have the best Mooneyes model Hot Wheels has done yet. Feel free to argue that point. With pics.
As you check out the photos, you will notice my example has a little character. The front grill didn't survive its creation intact, but I kind of like it. That doesn't mean I won't buy another when they hit the pegs.
(Curious as to all the Mooneyes Hot Wheels? I am too. There are plenty on ebay
Hot Wheels '70 Chevy Chevelle Wagon (2013 Basic recolor):
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