May 27 Matchbox Ambassador Update: The brand new 1966 Dodge A100 Pickup and other sneaks...

Greetings fellow collectors...

Another week, another group of sneaks.  When Mattel announced the new models for 2013, there were a few that were earmarked by collectors, including yours truly.  Among them, the VW Type 34 Karmann Ghia, BMW 1M, and Dodge A100 Pickup were at the top of most people's "most anticipated" lists.  Well, a couple of months ago we saw the Ghia, and hopefully soon we will see the BMW (it won't disappoint, trust me).  But today we get to see what may be an instant classic, the MB862 1966 Dodge A100 Pickup.

I would imagine that when most of you open up these little updates, your eyes glaze past the words and right to the pictures, which makes total sense.  Some of you might return to the words later, but I have always thought I could hide little messages in the text that no one would see.  So I am spending this paragraph rambling on about nothing, just to make this report look more legit.  The fact of the matter is the pictures do all the talking, especially when it comes to the A100.  This model is truly the bee's knees.  What stands out particularly is the "DODGE" molded into the very front, as well as on the tailgate, as well as the beautiful pastel aqua on this specific model.  This is a casting bound to be popular with both Matchbox collectors and those blue card folks who occasionally turn around to see what orange is putting out, so be prepared to hit the stores early.  Alright I am done rambling.  I think now it looks like I wrote enough.

We hope to see this model at the top of its game soon, sporting a premium look.  Here's hoping we see the continuation of a premium-oriented line moving forward...

(These images are shown with permission from Mattel.)

We will give you a few minutes to ogle over the Dodge before we move on...'re good, take your time...

...ok, ready?  Alright, the other sneaks for this week:

Mini Cooper Cabrio in British Racing Green

Dune Dog sporting the new off-roaders

The Pit King

Sahara Survivor in (surprise!) green

That is it for this week.  We have more coming next week, including the return of a certain blade-wielding German sports car.

Stay tuned...

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