Announcing the Lamley Custom Contest 2: Police Cars...

Due to the overwhelming response of the First Lamley Custom Contest, where many of you took on the Hot Wheels BMW E30 M3, we have decided to do it again.

In fact, we plan on making this a regular feature of the Lamley Group Blog.  The art that many of you produce, like our last winners Daniel Hew and Ernest Li, is one of our favorite things to showcase here.  Look for 3-4 contests a year, all with a different theme.  We hope to continue to see work from those we have already featured, customizers new to Lamley Group, and new customizers in general.  Let's make this huge...

With that, it is time to announce the next Lamley Custom Contest.  You may have noticed it is Police Week on the Lamley Blog.  There is a good reason, as the theme of this contest is Police Cars.  And we will leave it at that.  The sky is the limit on what you want to come up with.  Replicas of real police cars?  Sure!  Real police liveries on exotic cars?  Of course!  Fake police liveries on fake cars?  Bring it on!  Just keep the police theme, and keep the cars in the 1:64 range, and we are good.

A few details:

- There will be 2 major categories and 2 subcategories.  The major categories are Replica and Fantasy.

- Customs in the Replica category will be models made to look like a real specific police car.  We ask that when you send in photos of your replica custom, also provide a photo of the real car.

- Customs in the Fantasy category can really be anything.  For example, a real livery on any type of car, like a Pagani as a California Highway Patrol Car.  Or a totally made up police force and car.  Whatever you come up with, and the more creative the better.

- Within each category, there will be a Subcategory A and Subcategory B.  Category A customs are heavily modified, whether it be body modification, custom built wheels, etc.  Category B customs consist of repaints, decal work, light modifications, and wheel swaps.

- You choose the category and subcategory you want to compete in, and just let us know when you send in your submission.

- Also submit a photo of the original model you used as a base for your custom.

- When the judging is done, we will showcase the Top 10 from each subcategory, and the Top 2 in each will be eligible for prizes, totaling 8 prizewinners.

- After showcasing the Top 10 from each subcategory, we will show all the submissions.  So just like our last contest, every submission will be seen.

Any questions?  Feel free to ask...

Ok, some rules:

- Submissions are due by the end of the day on Sunday, May 26.  That gives you roughly 6 weeks to put together your customs.

- Only 1:64 models please - brands like Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Tomica, Majorette, Maisto, Kyosho, etc.  If you have a question about a specific model just ask.

- We will only accept submissions via our email address -  Any Facebook or Instagram submissions won't be accepted.

- Please keep your name off your actual photos so they can by submitted to the judges anonymously.  And try not to post pics of your custom elsewhere until we can showcase it here.

- Also let us know how you would like us to identify you when we post your submission.  Some folks don't want their name published, so if you have an online ID you use just let us know.

- This time we will only accept one custom per major Category, meaning each contestant can submit no more than two customs.

- Please limit the number of photos you send in to no more than 6.  If there are more we will ask you to resubmit with your favorite 6 photos.  If we feel we need more angles we will contact you.

We hope that is clear.  Again, if you have any questions, just ask.

One other note.  Because we are judging based on photos, keep in mind that photo quality is important.  We don't mean from a creativity standpoint, but clear enough for us to know what we are seeing.  Unfortunately, a few submissions from the last contest were passed over because the judges could not make out all the details.

We think this will be a tremendous contest, and we cannot wait to see what each of you will come up with.  And please, tell your friends.  Get the word out on Facebook, Instagram, HWC, wherever.  We want to showcase the best work out there.  Now get to it!!!

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